XX Settembre Square and Crucifix Sanctuary

XX Settembre Square and Crucifix Sanctuary are two important points of interest for Castel San Pietro.

XX Settembre Square

Piazza XX Settembre is the heart of Castel San Pietro Terme. In its center, after June 1779 earthquake, a column designed by Gian Giacomo Dotti was erected. At its top, an image of the Madonna of the Fossombrone was placed.
The main buildings of the city overlook the square, including the Municipal Palaceo, the parish church from 1200 dedicated to the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, patron of Castel San Pietro Terme, and Crucifix Sanctuary.

Crucifix Sanctuary

The Sanctuary was built in 1741, inside it was placed a venerated image of the Holy Crucifix. It was donated to the Compagnia del Santissimo in 1543.
Over time this sacred image was increasingly revered by the people of Castel San Pietro Terme. Since 1629, it has been tradition for it to be carried in the procession.
Every year on the fifth Sunday of Lent, “Festa del Crocifisso (Feast of the Crucifix)” has been held. Throughout the day there are various religious rites that culminate with the procession through the streets of the city with the sacred image of the Crucified Christ.
The Crucifix was attributed many graces and healings: dozens of ex-voto and offerings are kept inside.
The Sanctuary was modified in 1834 and rearranged at various points in time. In 1930, the bell tower was built, where a peal of 55 bells was placed.
It was an invention of Giulio Gollini, with 55 bells located at various levels at the top of the bell tower, driven by an electropneumatic mechanism located at the base of the structure.
There is also a chapel dedicated to the statue of the Immaculate Conception and two organs, one of which is from the 1700s while the other was built in 1928.

XX Settembre Square and Crucifix Sanctuary make up a great part of the town center of Castel San Pietro Terme.

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