Visitors Centre Ca’ Carnè

A perfect spot for outdoor and nature lovers

A few kilometers away from Brisighella, along the road leading to Riolo Terme, followind the a well-signalled deviation to the left, it is possible to reach Ca’ Carnè, visitors centre of Regional Park of Romagna Gypsum Vein. It is an old country home from the 30’s. Here is also a cafè and restaurant with a few hostel rooms.

Visitors Centre Ca’ Carnè covers an area of abour 43 hectares, over Rontana Gypsum and Castelnuovo, in Brisighella municipality.
It is open everyday and the access is free.

This area can be considered the ancestor of Gypsum Vein Park, as it was constituted in 1973 by Ravenna province, Faenza and Brisighella municipalities, which bought the land and named it “Carnè Park”.
The landscape is typically karstic and very interesting from a naturalist point of view, with many grassy sinkholes alternating with woods and slopes.

Important to mention are “Catino di Pilato” sinkholes at the foot of Rontana Mount, the twin sinkholes of Abisso Faenza and the small”Sinkhole of the Howl”.

Ca’ Carnè Visitors Centre offer many services to visitors:
– Romagna Gypsum Vein Park info point,
– conference room,
– didactic room “Climate Room”
– Naturalistic museum dedicated to animal living in Gypsum Vein Park. Here are exhibited findings about the most interesting species of animals in the park, such as wolf, porcupine, Eagle owl, Peregrine falcon and Blue rock thrush

For fourther information, visit the website.

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