Thermal Baths of Castel San Pietro and Fegatella Spring

Thermal Baths

Castel San Pietro Thermal Baths are surrounded by a large park and have been known for their healing properties since the Middle Ages. The first real Baths were established in 1870.

Using both sulphurous and salsobromoiodic water, the area grew to be recognized for pharmacological activities.
The most important groups of diseases that benefit from spa treatments are respiratory, osteoarticular, vascular diseases.
Over the years, in addition to traditional spa treatments, wellness, rehabilitation and aesthetics sectors have developed into modern wellbeing and beauty treatments.

Fegatella Spring

Along the avenue that leads from the Thermal Baths to the historic center of the city is located Fegatella Spring.
The healing properties of the waters of this spring have been known since 1337. It is said that in that year a flock of seriously ill sheep drank its water and were miraculously healed.
Over the years, the spring has undergone many changes. Its current structure is from the ’50s and was last restored in 2001.

Fegatella Spring is one of the most beloved symbols of the city and one of its most unique historical areas, a place of meeting and relaxation for both citizens and visitors.

For further information, visit the website.

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