One of the longest and articulated karstik cave in Romagna Gypsum Vein

The caves in Gypsum Vein Park are a black and hidden world, full of mistery and fascination: water streams, galleries, rooms, deep wells and tunnels. These passeges are not easy to face and speleological knowledge and technical gears are required.

However, even non-speleologist can have a chance of discover these kartik phenomenon, with an excursion on Tanaccia Cave of Brisighella. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful and best known caves of the Regional Park. It presents and underground path crossing evocative and interesting cave areas.

Archaeological works in the entrance area brough to light numerous traces of prehistorical people: terraciotta pieces, weapons, etc. Tanaccia Cave was probably used as cult centre or burial site fron Neolithic age.

The first trait of the path is pretty simple and linear, it is easy to walk in straight up position, following a stream of water leading to the Room of Sands.

The passage then narrows into a second room named “Horseshoe”. Last trait requires visitors to proceed on all fours in the bed of the stream, until the last visitable room named “Guano room”. The name comes the numerous colonies of bats living in these hidden rooms.

Guided visits to Tanaccia Cave can be organized upon request, every day starting in April.

The price for the visit includes an expert guide, helmet, light and speleological suit. It is required to wear boots or strong trekking shoes.

For further information, visit the website.

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