On the third hill of Brisighella, surrounded by cypress trees, you will find Monticino Sanctuary, dedicated to the Virgin.

Here is venerated a sacred image of the Virgin in polychrome terracotta by an unknown artist, dated to 1626. Originally placed on a pillar at the gates of the village, it was moved in 1662 to an isolated chapel built with the offerings of the devotees.

The first building was demolished in 1758 and replaced by the existing structure, which contains frescoes by Faenza painter Savino Lega in the apse. The main altar is covered with precious marble, surrounded by Ionic capitals, stuccos and decorations. In 1926, the Sanctuary was enriched with a grandiose façade, donated by Cardinal Michele Lega and designed by Edoardo Collamarini.

Behind Monticino Sanctuary, the gypsum quarry, which stopped its activity only in recent years, hosts today an open-air Geological Museum.

Since 1662, September is the time of the year dedicated to the celebrations of Madonna del Monticino and it is one of the most ancient Romagna Fests.

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