Mengoni Museum Archives

From Fontanelice to the Vittorio Emanuele II Gallery of Milan

The Mengoni Archives of Fontanelice contains documents from the Milanese studio of the architect Giuseppe Mengoni, born in Fontanelice in 1829 and known for designing the magnificent Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan. A majority of the archival material involves the construction of the arcade and the arrangement of the surrounding area. It includes the first designs for the competition announced by the Municipality of Milan for the “Arrangement of Piazza del Duomo and adjacent streets.” Mengoni’s career was tragically cut short at its peak; it was the eve of the inauguration of the gallery when the 48-year-old architect went to inspect the finishes by climbing up the highest scaffold, from which he fell.

Bologna Projects

The archive also contains materials relating to his works in Bologna such as the Palazzo di Residenza of the Cassa di Risparmio and the façade of Palazzo Poggi Cavazza, as well as unfinished projects such as Porta Saragozza, the railway station and the suggestion for the completion of the façade of San Petronio. Rounding off the archive are some drawings made by young Mengoni when he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.

Consultation on request

All the drawings, photographs and writings that make up the collection have been microfilmed and can be accessed upon request by contacting the archive staff.

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