“Marcello Ceccarelli” Radiotelescope Visitor Center

“Marcello Ceccarelli” Radiotelescope Visitor Center is dedicated to the memory to one of the fathers of Italian radio astronomy.
It was launched in 2005 and renewed in 2014. It offers original and unique experiences for an international audience.
It is geared towards both at the general public and school groups. Visitors are urged to discover the world of radio astronomy, the tools with which the universe is investigated using radio frequencies, and the research projects active in our country.

The tour includes a “lesson” in the multimedia room, preceded by 3D projections of two short films if requested. Moreover, it is possible to visit the exhibition full of interactive exhibits and the entrance to the adjacent radio astronomy station to see the antennas up close. Instruments and technology dating back to 1964 (the year of the inauguration of the great “Northern Cross”) up to today are on display.
Outside the structure there is also a solar clock and some educational antennas, as well as two amusing acoustic parables.

The Center also offers themed workshops for school groups.
The two short films screened during the visit were made by researchers of the Institute of Radio astronomy and cover the following topics:
“Adventure in the Invisible Universe” it tells a fantastic and imaginary 3D trip. The viewer can see what it is like to be an astronaut. The mission is to save Earth and go with it to the end of the Solar System, and beyond …

“How it works: Radio astronomy” takes the viewer on an experience to understand radio astronomy observation. It starts with the emission of radio waves from celestial sources to the recording and interpretation of data, up to the publication of the results in scientific journals. The viewer can “visit”, in 3D, the radio telescope and the environments in which the researchers work.

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