Camminar per sagre, at the start the new IF initiative

Discover the wonders of the Appennines of Imola and Faenza, with trekking and lunch at the festivals of our valleys. There is also the option of overnight stay. First appointment: 7-8 October 2017 at the Festival of Forgotten Fruits of Casola.

Breathtaking nature, traces of the Gothic forms, legendary caves, abandoned churches … How many wonders are hidden in the hills of our Apennines, between the rivers Sillaro, Santerno, Senio and Lamone? To rediscover the area, IF Imola Faenza Tourism Company has launched the initiative Camminar per sagre, filled with trekking on the Apennines to explore valleys and festivals on the hills between Imola and Faenza. The treks – lasting about three hours, are suitable for families – always end with a refreshing and tasty lunch, such as those that only the local festivals can offer.

The calendar for first outings of the Camminar per Sagre:
  • October 7-8, Casola Valsenio, Festivals of the forgotten Fruit & the Chestnut
  • October 14-15, Riolo Terme, Le erbe degli Sforza
  • October 28-29, Castel Del Rio, Sagra del marrone
  • November 25-26, Brisighella, Sagra dell’ulivo e del’olio

You can choose to participate in trekking and lunch only on Sundays or choose to enjoy the whole weekend experience. For example, during the Festival of Forgotten Fruits in Casola Valsenio, the two-day package includes trekking and lunch: dinner with a menu based on forgotten fruits, overnight stay in a agriturismo in the valley, visit to the medicinal herbs garden and evening theme “The forgotten stories”.

Info and reservations

0542 25413  |

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