Unconventional tasting: Amari and Liquors

Unconventional tasting: Amari and Liquors

Tasting of three liqueurs “Selezione Leonardo Spadoni”, produced following the original recipe of Pellegrino Artusi, Italian writer, gastronome and literary critic, famous for his book La scienza in cucina e l’arte di mangiar bene, First volume of recipes in history to gain national and international fame.

IL NOCINO: a liqueur to conclude meals with a particular and pleasant note, thanks to the intense aromas of walnut. Recognized as a product of excellence of Italian tradition by the Dino Villani Award of the Italian Academy of Cuisine, is prepared through the infusion of walnut husk. In combination with: Pecorino Stagionato Officine Gastronomiche Spadoni, with local honey

THE ROSOLIO DI ANACI: a liqueur from the end of the meal whose scent is a real dip in the Romagna past. In fact, it comes from the original recipe of Pellegrino Artusi, which involves the infusion of the seeds of the very rare Anice di Romagna in the varieties Stellato and Verde. In combination with: Doughnut of Romagna tradition

THE ROSOLIO OF CEDAR: an intriguing end-of-meal liqueur with a fresh scent. The infusion of lemon peel and cedar is enriched by the clear and natural juice of lemon for an even more Mediterranean and citrus aroma. In combination with: Biscuits of Casa Spadoni



Duration and cost

When: All year round from 12.00 to 14.30 and from 18.30 to 21.30. On request at other times, booking 48 hours before the experience.

Duration: around 45 minutes

Cost: € 14,00 per person


Meeting point

Meeting point is

Casa Spadoni
Via Granarolo, 99
48018 Faenza (RA)

  • By purchasing the voucher, you are not booking a specific date. Contact Casa Spadoni to reserve the date that best fits you.

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