Bus Tour

Bus Tour

Racetrack Tour on your bus or coach, dedicated to groups and school trips.

Reserved to groups travelling by bus.


Racetrack Bus tour is especially designed for group visits and schools trips, giving the chance of breathing the atmosphere of an International Racetrack

Bus Tour includes: 2 laps of the track on your coach with IF tour guide, stops on starting grid and Tamburello corner, visit to Ayrton Senna Memorial.


  • Welcome in Tourist Hub and Racetrack Info point, shop and simulator room, run by Imola Faenza Tourism Company;
  • Two laps around the track in your coach, starting in the box area and with a stop on the starting grid and stop at Ayrton Senna’s Memorial;
  • Visit to the paddock area: pit boxes and Control Room with pictures on the podium

Duration and costs

Duration: about 2 hours /2 hours and 30 minutes
Costs: starting from € 12,00 per person

Meeting point

Meet up 30 minutes before tour start at
c/o Imola Faenza Tourism Company
P.zza Ayrton Senna da Silva, 2
40026 Imola (BO)

  • Guided tours are in English and Italian. For visit in Spanish, French and German, an additional fee is applied
  • Bus height admitted: maximum 3,80 mt
  • Access to the track is to be considered at h. 13.00
  • The schedule may change according to the activities on the track
  • Tours on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays will be charged an additional fee. Subjected to track availability.

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