A park in the track

Parco delle Acque minerali (mineral waters park) is located south-west of the city, and is entirely encircled by the International Racetrack Enzo and Dino Ferrari.

Its origins go back to the discovery of healing springs of sulphurous waters by Dr. Gioacchino Cerchiari in 1830. The discovery gave the site immediate popularity.
In 1871 the Municipality of Imola transformed the area into an official park, creating avenues and flower beds in accordance with the English model.
Currently the park stretches over 11 hectares covered with a rich arboreal composition of native and exotic species.

Inside there is a wooded hill called “Monte Castellaccio,” site of the first prehistoric settlements in the area.
Following redevelopment work that was completed in spring of 2000, the park now contains two play areas for children, a guided educational-geological path that goes up to the summit of Monte Castellaccio, a pond with waterfowl, and a fountain at the North entrance.
In the west part of the park, there is the Ayrton Senna Memorial, a monument to the Brazilian racing champion.

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