The museum was inaugurated in 2002 in the former the laboratory of Carlo Zaulii, considered one of the greatest ceramic sculptors of the twentieth century and point of inspiration for many contemporary artists.
The Museum manages to effectively narrate the artistic and creative story of Carlo Zauli through two parallel and coinciding museum paths. The first path has strictly exhibition itinerary that includes works dating from the ‘50s to the ‘90s, which conveys the aptitude for research and experimentation of an artist who became a sculptor as a ceramist. And a second path that is linked to his studio-shop, which winds between the rooms of his workshop, from the clay cellar to the enamel room, from the baking room filled with ovens to that of the lathes and great reliefs.
The Carlo Zauli Museum is a container that, through its collections and different cultural activities, explores and disseminates contemporary art in all its languages, incorporating the entire territory. In recent years, it has become a point of reference, thanks to its many activities in the cultural avant-garde and experimentation: from the Residenze d’Artista, to the numerous conferences, contemporary music reviews, as well as educational activities for children, students and adults, until the opening of a Fab Lab.

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