The castle of Cantagallo in Castel del Rio dates back to the tenth century, sadly only some remains are visible today.

This structure took its name from the lords who resided there for centuries. It is unclear whether it was a noble family from Imola that managed to extend its political and patrimonial influence in these territories, or if it was a family originally from the area that then came to Imola to gain power and wrestle with the major lords of the time.

The family remained linked to the county of Cantagallo and Paventa. Even in the political sphere, it remained in secondary compared to the other noblemen spread throughout the territory. Although they had no particular political power, the Cantagallo succeeded in maintaining their territories, even if there was a lot of pressure from the city of Imola and the Alidosi.

Today, the castle of Cantagallo has been reduced to ruins, therefore it is only visible from the outside. You can reach the surrounding area with a short walk.

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